A child contact agreement is a legal document that outlines the custody and visitation rights of non-residential parents. In the UK, a child contact agreement template can be very helpful in ensuring that both parties are clear on their rights and responsibilities. This article will provide an overview of what a child contact agreement is, why it is important, and how to use a template to create one.

What is a Child Contact Agreement?

A child contact agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the arrangements for the care of children when their parents are separated or divorced. This agreement sets out the details of when, where, and how children will spend time with each parent. It also outlines how decisions will be made regarding the children`s education, health, and welfare.

Why is a Child Contact Agreement important?

A child contact agreement is important because it helps to reduce conflict between parents and ensure that children have stability and consistency in their lives. It also provides legal protection for both parents by setting out clearly what they can and cannot do with regard to their children.

Using a Template for Child Contact Agreement

Using a template to create a child contact agreement can save time and ensure that all the necessary information is included. A template should include the following:

1. Names of all parties involved

2. Details of the children involved, including names, dates of birth, and current living arrangements

3. Contact details for both parents

4. The proposed schedule for the children`s time with each parent, including holidays and special occasions

5. Details of any financial arrangements, such as child support or maintenance payments

6. The process for making decisions regarding the children, including education, health, and welfare

7. Any additional terms or conditions that the parents wish to include

It is important to note that a child contact agreement is a legal document, and as such, it is best to seek legal advice before finalizing any agreement. A solicitor can help ensure that the agreement is fair and meets the needs of both parents and children.


In conclusion, a child contact agreement is an important document for parents who are separated or divorced. It helps to reduce conflict and ensure that children have stability and consistency in their lives. Using a template can help ensure that all the necessary information is included, but it is important to seek legal advice before finalizing any agreement.

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