Stamp Duty on Joint Development Agreement in Uttar Pradesh: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are into real estate or construction, you must be familiar with the term “Joint Development Agreement” or JDA. It is an agreement between two or more parties for the development of a property jointly. In general, one party owns the land, while the other party (usually a builder or developer) provides the expertise and resources to develop the property.

However, when it comes to registering a Joint Development Agreement, many people are clueless about the stamp duty implications. In this article, we will discuss the Stamp Duty on Joint Development Agreement in Uttar Pradesh and how it affects the parties involved.

What is Stamp Duty?

Before we dive into the specifics, it`s essential to understand what Stamp Duty is. In India, Stamp Duty is a tax levied on documents that are used when buying or transferring property. These documents include sale deed, gift deed, lease agreement, and many others. The Stamp Duty varies from state to state and is calculated based on the market value of the property or the document`s value, whichever is higher.

What is Joint Development Agreement (JDA)?

A Joint Development Agreement or JDA is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which two or more parties agree to develop a specific property jointly. The JDA typically includes provisions related to the sharing of costs, revenue, profits, and liabilities, among other things. It also specifies the roles and responsibilities of each party involved in the development process.

Stamp Duty on Joint Development Agreement in Uttar Pradesh

In Uttar Pradesh, the Stamp Duty on Joint Development Agreement is calculated based on the value of the land and the construction cost. The Stamp Duty is calculated separately for each party involved in the Joint Development Agreement. The Stamp Duty for the landowner is calculated based on the value of the land, while the Stamp Duty for the builder/developer is calculated based on the cost of construction.

Now let`s calculate the Stamp Duty for each party separately.

Stamp Duty for the Landowner

If the landowner is an individual, the Stamp Duty is 7% of the value of the land. If the landowner is a company or corporation, the Stamp Duty is 10% of the value of the land.

Stamp Duty for the Builder/Developer

The Stamp Duty for the builder/developer is calculated differently. It is based on either the actual cost of construction or the value of the constructed property, whichever is higher. The Stamp Duty is 7% of the construction cost or the property`s market value, whichever is higher.

In case the builder/developer and the landowner decide to share the construction cost, the Stamp Duty will be calculated based on the total cost incurred.


In conclusion, if you are involved in a Joint Development Agreement in Uttar Pradesh, it`s essential to understand the Stamp Duty implications. The Stamp Duty is calculated separately for each party involved in the JDA and is based on the value of the land or the cost of construction. As a professional, I suggest that if you have any doubts or queries related to Stamp Duty, it`s best to consult a legal expert to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

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